Information about Boris Axelrod
1. My contact information.
Address: Boris Axelrod, 57 korp.2, ap.12, Marshala Bl'ukhera prosp., St.Petersburg, Russia, 195067
2. Name
Boris M. Axelrod
Борис Моисеевич Аксельрод
3. Current state of TRIZ certification
I am a certified TRIZ specialist of the 4th level;
Diploma #34 of 2002
4. Dissertation title
Проблемно-ориентированный поиск по действию (APOS): системное применение в инновационных проектах
Methodology for Problem and Action Oriented Search (APOS): systems use in innovation projects
5. TRIZ supervisor
Simon Litvin, Vice President & Chief Scientific Officer
GEN3 Partners
Ten Post Office Square, 9th Floor, South, Boston, MA 02109.
Phone 1 (617) 728-7011
Fax 1 (617) 728-7500