Horst Th. Naehler, Barbara Gronauer. Using Enhanced Nested Function Models for Strategic Product Development

TRIZ Deveolpers Summit 2014
Coordination and Integration of TRIZ-Tools
Using Enhanced Nested Function Models for Strategic Product Development
Horst Th. Naehler, c4pi – Center for Product Innovation, Huenfeld, Germany
Barbara Gronauer, StrategieInnovation, Huenfeld, Germany
TRIZ provides excellent tools for designing customized problem solving and product developing processes and algorithms. Strategic decisions can furthermore be strengthened by tools still in development and under research, as the Trends of Engineering Systems Evolution and their underlying mechanisms.
One of the difficulties when using TRIZ tools is the large number of possibilities for using and combining them for the best effect. Especially during the analysis phase, lots of information have to be gathered that lead to problem models and task definition for later problem solving.
To expand the usage of analytical tools for strategic decisions, this paper proposes an analytical approach that is based on nested function models to describe complex engineering systems.
This paper examines the interactions between components on different system levels, the use of the model in conjunction with trimming and the integration of the multi screen approach for developing a basis for strategic product development decisions. Furthermore the possibilities of connecting Trends of Engineering Systems with this approach are explored.
The suggested approach is aimed at creating an extensive, multi-level product map that combines the benefits of several classical TRIZ. It also creates a base for strategic decisions linked to problem solving opportunities on the operative level.