TRIZ-Fest 2009 Summary Information Letter

TRIZ-Fest 2009
Summary Information Letter
August 16, 2009
Information Letter No. Fest-5/2009
Summary of TRIZ-Fest 2009 events


Dear colleagues!

1. TRIZ-Fest 2009.
All events planned within TRIZ-Fest 2009 were held from July 25 till July 29, 2009. Over 100 TRIZ experts from 14 countries - namely, Russia, South Korea, USA, Byelorussia, Israel, Latvia, Netherlands, Germany, China, Taiwan, Ukraine, Finland, Estonia and Japan - took part in the TRIZ-Fest 2009 events.   Over 50 reports have been presented to the participants. A collection of TRIZ-Fest 2009 papers has been prepared and published in Russian and English. A list of papers is given in Conference Program and Schedule in Russian at: and in English at: A list of registered TRIZ experts has been sent to TRIZ-Fest 2009 participants. 
2. Seminars and Round Table Discussion
A seminar "Methodological Aspects of TRIZ Studies" (facilitator - Yu.Murashkovskiy) was held on July 25, 2009. Over 40 TRIZ experts took part in this seminar. A training seminar "Introduction to Innovation Design Methodology G3-ID" (facilitator - O.Gerasimov) was held on July 26, 2009. 
Round Table Discussion "TRIZ in Universities" initiated by the Innovation Department of Saint Petersburg Polytechnic University was held on July 27, 2009 as a part of TRIZ-Fest 2009 program.  
3. TRIZ-Summit 2009
A closed session of TRIZ Developers' Summit took place on July 26, 2009. The main topic of TRIZ Summit 2009 was "Development of new generation of ARIZ".
A discussion of requirements and options for implementation of a set of algorithms was the main outcome of TRIZ Summit 2009:  
- ARIZ-2010 – eliminates the disadvantages of ARIZ-85-C;
- Algorithm for engineering systems improvement (AESI-2010) – includes selection of object and goals of improvement;
- Algorithm for systems improvement (ASI-2010) – which is intended for solving problems of not only engineering systems, but problems in other fields of human activity as well. 
Those who are willing to participate in the TRIZ Summit 2010 are welcome to send their materials on a subject matter that will be identified on September 9, 2009.
Information on results of TRIZ Summit 2009 is presented in Russian at and in English at
4. TRIZ-Fest-2009 Conference
TRIZ-Fest 2009 Conference was held on July 27 and 28, 2009. It included three sessions. Over 100 TRIZ experts from 14 countries took part in the TRIZ-Fest 2009 Conference. Conference participants voted for the most interesting (from their personal standpoint) papers and presentations. A collective opinion of conference participants is given below:     
1st session. Practical Application of TRIZ in Innovation Design.
S.Litvin. Practical Application of TRIZ: from Idea to Actual Product (11% of votes)
A.Kynin, V.Lenyashin, N.Feygenson. Selection of Parameters for the Description of Engineering System Evolution along the "Life Line". (7%)
S. Ikovenko.TRIZ Tools Application fro Patent Strategies. (7%)
A.Lyubomirskiy. Upgrading the Degree of Appearance Coordination. (7%)
2nd session. Evolution of TRIZ as a Science.
M.Rubin.ARIZ of New Generation:Multi-Aspect Cycle for Resolving Contradictions.Universal System of Standards for Inventive Problem Solving. (7%)
Yu.Murashkovskiy. ARIZ-85c, part 8, version 2 (7%)
A.Efimov. 1) Alternative Approaches to the Development of New Generation of ARIZ. Should at least some creativity remain in TRIZ? 2) Suggestions on the Development of Unified System of TESE-Standards-Principles. (7%).
3rd session. TRIZ Training.
M.Gafitulin, I.Ivanov, Keum-YoungChang, Yong-WonSong, Seoung-HyunKang. Pilot TRIZ-Project in the Republic of Korea: Experience and Perspectives for TRIZ-Consulting for small and medium businesses in Korea. (14% - the most popular report at the Conference)
R.Granovskaya. Information presentation (7%)
N.Rubina. Talent Scale. Diagnostics of Creative Thinking Development. (4%)
M.Stepanchikova. Improving the Forms of Pedagogic Testing. (4%)
5. Session of MA TRIZ Dissertation Council
5. 1. A session of MA TRIZ Dissertation Council took place on July 29, 2009. Approximately 80 representatives of public TRIZ associations were present at this session. In compliance with a decision taken by MA TRIZ Presidium (that was held on the same day), 2/3 of votes of Dissertation Council members taking part in a vote are required for positive decision on awarding the TRIZ Master Degree (i.e. 8 votes out of 12). Decision making was based on secret voting. 
5. 2. Members of MA TRIZ Dissertation Council. TRIZ Masters: M.Gafitulin, A.Guin, S.Gubanov, A.Kislov, A.Kudryavtsev, S.Litvin (Chairman), A.Lyubomirskiy, Yu.Murashkovskiy, V.Petrov, M.Rubin (Academic Secretary), N.Shpakovskiy, and S.Ikovenko.  
5. 3. Members of Counting Board: M.Gafitulin (Chairman), A.Kudryavtsev, and S.Ikovenko.  
5.4. The following theses were presented and discussed:
- IgorDevoino. "DeploymentofEngineeringSystems". Research supervisor and consultant - S.Litvin, opponent - A.Lyubomirskiy.
In his thesis the author analyzes mechanisms of growing functionality of engineering systems and proposes methods for formulating potential functions (demanded by users) for engineering systems.
Results of voting of Dissertation Council members: 8 - "In favor", 3 - "Against". Research supervisor and consultant - S.Litvin - didn't take part in voting.
TRIZ Master Diploma No. 73 was issued to I.Devoino.
- Alexander Kashkarov "Substance and Field Transformations in Engineering Systems. MethodologyforModelConstructionandAnalysis". Research supervisor and consultant - Yu.Fedosov, opponent - V.Petrov.
In the new version of his thesis the author describes additional studies aimed to identify hidden problems inherent to ES and new approaches to algorithm-based formulation of technical and physical contradictions. 
Results of voting of Dissertation Council members: 8 - "In favor", 4 - "Against".
TRIZ Master Diploma No. 74 was issued to A.Kashkarov.
- YuriyDanilovskiy."Models of Spiral Evolution of Engineering Systems in Forecasting Projects". Research supervisor and consultant - A.Kudryavtsev, opponent - M.Gafitulin.
Results of voting of Dissertation Council members: 4 - "In favor", 7 - "Against". Research supervisor and consultant - A.Kudryavtsev - didn't take part in voting.

5.5. Due to the fact that MA TRIZ Presidium introduced alterations to the Regulations on MA TRIZ Dissertation Council regarding the requirement of 2/3 of votes of Dissertation Council members taking part in a vote to take positive decision on awarding the TRIZ Master Degree, results of theses defense conducted in 2008 were revised. 
Belskiy. Australia. Thesis: "Systematization of Su-Field Analysis and its Application out of the bounds of Engineering Systems". Researchsupervisorandconsultant - A.Lyubomirskiy, opponent - A.Kynin.

Results of voting of Dissertation Council members in 2008: 8 - "In favor", 3 - "Against". Research supervisor and consultant - A.Lyubomirskiy - didn't take part in voting.
TRIZ Master Diploma No. 75 was issued to Yu.Belskiy.
More detailed information is given at:
6. MATRIZCongress
New membership of MA TRIZ Presidium for the years 2009 - 2011 was elected during MA TRIZ Congress:
M.Barkan, USA (President), A.Kudryavtsev, Russia, S.Litvin, USA, Amir Roggel, Israel, I.Sigalovsky, USA, L.Chechurin, Russia, S.Ikovenko, USA, Shinsuke Kurosawa, Japan, and Yong Won Song, South Korea.
Official information on the MA TRIZ Congress - namely, minutes, MA TRIZ President report, and other documents – will be presented in MA TRIZ information sites in the nearest future (
7. During the Conference.
Anatoliy Kozlov, Siberian Federal University (SFU), Krasnoyarsk Regional IPK and PPRO celebrated his jubilee during the Conference. Photographs taken during TRIZ-Fest 2009 can be found in photo albums:
We would like to express our gratitude to all participants of TRIZ-Fest 2009 for their intensive work and active participation in all events. 
Organizing Committee of TRIZ-Fest 2009