Proxy Letter of Regional TRIZ Association

Dear Head of Regional TRIZ Association

As you know, next Congress of MA TRIZ takes place in St. Petersburg, Russia in July of this year.
Please let us know if you, or an authorized representative of your organization, plan to be present at the MA TRIZ Congress. In the event your organization will not be represented at the Congress and to assure necessary number of voters, please delegate your voting powers to one of the founding organizations or to the head of another Regional TRIZ organization, or to the current member of Presidium
Mark Barkan
For this purpose please send me to my e-mail address the proxy letter in the format below:
Proxy Letter
I, (the name of the head of regional organization) am unable to attend MA TRIZ Congress in July 2009. I commit my rights to speak at the Congress and my voting rights to (the name of another regional organization or Presidium Member).