Address to the Authors of Papers


Address to the authors of papers presented to the scientific-and-practical conference, organized as part of
TRIZ-Fest 2009
Dear authors!
Our task is to compile a collection of articles of a regular conference, organized as a part of TRIZ-Fest 2009.
We are convinced that further improvement of TRIZ status as a science and its occupying an appropriate place in the institutions of scientific knowledge, which have been formed and which have proved their efficiency, requires further enhancement of quality of works, which are presented for consideration at the conference and are published in collections of articles.
As a first step, we intend to more attentively treat preparatory work, to elaborate the formulation of requirements to works, presented to the conference.
General requirements to articles being published
The materials for participation in the conference and for subsequent publication shall be sent before May 1, 2009 through E-mail to the following address:
These materials should consist of two files:
- a short (not exceeding 100 words) abstract of the article in Russian and in English; 
- detailed information on the author according to the form quoted in Appendix ¹1;
2.    the article itself (it is possible to use the pattern quoted in Appendix 2).
The volume of the article should not exceed 8 pages. The number of the articles by one author, including those written in co-authorship, should not exceed 3.
In special cases the editorial committee has the right to demand the reduction of the article to the volume, which is less than 8 pages. The editorial committee also has the right to address the author with other wishes concerning the editing (improvement) of the article, which contains minor violations of requirements given below. The articles, which, according to the opinion of the committee, are substantially not in keeping with the made requirements, are not accepted.
The editorial committee does not enter in a discussion with the authors of rejected materials.
The articles returned for improvement, should be sent by the authors in the form edited with regard to the wishes of the committee, through E-mail before May 14, 2009. Otherwise, the editorial committee retains the right not to accept the article. In case the requirements regarding the reduction of the article are not fulfilled, the editorial committee itself can reduce the volume of the article.
Requirements to content of the article
Only such articles are accepted for publication, the topics of which correspond to the directions, proclaimed to be the main goals of international TRIZ Association:
·         Activation of creative potential of personality, capable of development in harmony with itself and the surrounding world;
·         Development and application of TRIZ and of other approaches to solving creative problems in different areas of human activity;
The title of the article should reflect the main idea of research, be laconic, informative and include Key words.
Abstract (up to 100 words) should explicitly render the content of the article.
The content of the article should also be in keeping with the following requirements:
- strictly logical structure of the publication, characteristic of a scientific work: problem statement, review of the publications on the given topic, description of tools used for solving and analysis, strict formulation of the result, a corresponding illustration and/or experiment, discussion of result, conclusions;
- careful presentation of bibliography, presence of references both to classic and modern works on the topic of the article, published in accessible, preferably reviewed publications.
- relevance of the topic of the work (to what extent the problems stated by the author are relevant for TRIZ development, correspond to modern directions of its development, for the development of engineering)
- truthfulness of results (how convincingly the author proves the truthfulness of proposed solution, what scientific tools are used for that, how high is the quality of statistical analysis and of interpretation of experiment, as well as of processing the data of this experiment)
- relevance and novelty of the results (how important the developments proposed by the author are for TRIZ, for solving practical problems, what potentiality it reveals, how new the proposed solutions are)
- quality of presentation (how carefully the results are presented, how they are illustrated, how reliable the references and the sources, quoted by the author are, etc.).
Requirements to presentation of the article
The article is presented according to the pattern, quoted in Appendix No. 2.
The text should be set in the editor MS Word 6,0 or MS Word 7,0.
Paper size is À4, portrait orientation.
Margins: upper and lower 2cm, left – 3cm, right – 1.5cm.
Carry-over: automatic arrangement, zone of carry-over is 1 cm, there should be no more than three carry-overs successively.
Footnotes – 12 points, in italics, independent pagination at each page.
Font type - Times New Roman.
Pre-set interlinear spacing -1.5.
Headline (title of the article)
Bold type, font size - 16 points
Formatting is achieved through justification center. There should be no full point at the end of the line.
Author's surname and initials 
(for example, S.T.Ivanov, co-authors are indicated in the same line, their names being separated by a comma, (for example, S.T.Ivanov, YU.G.Petrova). Font size is 14 points. Formatting through justification left. Please, don't put a full point at the end of the line.
Subtitle of Level 1
Bold type, font size is 14 points.
Formatting through justification left. Please, don't put a full stop at the end of the line (if the subtitle consists of several sentences, there should be no full point after the last sentence).
One empty line is left before the heading.
Subtitle of Level 2
Italics, font size is 14 points.
Formatting through justification left. Please, don't put a full stop at the end of the line.
One empty line is left before the heading.
Text of the article
Font size of the main text is 14, that of the additional text (footnotes, notes, reference list, tables) - 13, interlinear spacing -1.5.
Formatting through justification full. 
The following rules should be adhered to while typing the text:
a) the paragraphs should start with an indented line (indentation – 1 cm);
b) all words within a paragraph are separated with one gap only;
c) there is no gap before a punctuation mark, after a punctuation mark there should be one gap;
d) there should be a distinction between dashes and hyphens;
e) after the initials, before abbreviations and between them, prior to units of measurements and in all places, where the carryover of the subsequent fragment of the text to the next line is undesirable, there should be a non-breaking space. (Shift+Ctrl+space).
The following is inadmissible:
a) two or more spaces;
b) tabulations, except using them for numbering the formulae;
c) auto-numbering (numbered and marked lists) in chapters and paragraphs, auto-formatting (using style) in headings, subheadings, captions for the figures, etc. It should be set manually.
Complicated formulae are set in the formula editor MS Equation 2,0 or 3,0, simple formulae could be typed like text. The numbering of the formulae is effected on the right, on the same line with the right edge of the column.
In the formula editor the settings Style/Size should be used for typing symbols only by default. The main size in the formulae is 14, big index - 9, small index - 7, big symbol - 18, small symbol - 14. Both in formula editor and in the text, the variable designated through Latin symbols, are typed in italics; the figures, Greek and Russian symbols are straight; symbols of functions (sin, ln etc.) are also straight.
The tables should be typed directly in MS Word, not copied from other editors and programs. Before the table its number is placed on the right (for example, Table 1) without a dot after the figure. Lower, in the center - the title of the table. If necessary, the source is indicated after the table using 12-point font. The tables should be located within the operating field. In case of a carry-over of the table to a different page, the heading of the table should also be carried over. Large tables are typed in separate files. The setting is performed as a "table" using the program of MS Word. Font size is 13.
With block diagrams it is necessary to group all elements.
Drawings and diagrams are understood as incorporated into the text of the article or as separate files (each illustration being a separate file), drawn up in the format of.tif (other admissible formats are.bmp, jpeg), in the last case it is necessary to indicate the exact place of the insert in the textual file.
Scanned picture within the text should have the resolution of no less than 300 points per inch. It is desirable that all drawings, block diagrams and diagrams should be executed in the mode of "black-and-white", in case color or "tinges of gray" are used, it can happen that the quality of the prints could be poor (in order to obtain a high-quality and maximally informative picture, minimum number of colors and tinges should be used during the preliminary work with color). Titles of block diagrams, drawings and diagrams is indicated under them in the center. (for example: Drawing 1. Title of the drawing, or: Diagram 1. Title of the diagram).
Notation and abbreviations, which are encountered in the text, should be explained the first occurrence of them in the text.
Reference list: sources are arranged in the order of their being mentioned in the text. The size of font is 13 points. Formatting is effected through justification left.
The reference should include the following information:
- with books - family names and initials of the authors, full title of the book, place of publication, publishing house, year of publication, number of pages in the book
- with articles - family names and initials of the authors, full title of the article, title of the magazine, newspaper or collection of articles, publication year, identifier of publication time (with newspapers - number of issue and date of publication, with a magazine - number of issue), numbers of pages, occupied by the article (the initial one and the final one)
- with patent documents - title of the invention, number of patent (author's certificate), date of patent (author's certificate) publication
- with Internet materials - surname and initials of the authors, full title of the material, Internet-address, the date of the last review prior to including it in the list.
Bibliographic references are understood as the number of the source in keeping with the reference list. The reference is given in square brackets. Automatic cross-references are inadmissible.
We hope that the above indicated requirements, directed at further improvement of the level of scientific developments in the field of TRIZ, will find common understanding and support.
Editorial committee
February 6, 2009
Appendix 1.
Title of the Article: ___________________
Information on the authors

Place of work/ study, full
Scientific degree/ Title
TRIZ certification level
Contact phone
E-mail address