Task TDS contest-2014


Category 8-10 years

Nomination “Inventive activity”

Nomination “Imagining”

Quiz on TRIZ history

Nomination “TRIZ Tools”

Nomination “Research”

Category 11-14 years

Nomination “Inventive activity”

Nomination “Imagining”

Quiz on TRIZ history

Nomination “TRIZ Tools”

Nomination “Research”

Category 15-17 years

Nomination “Inventive Activity”

Nomination “Imagining”

Quiz on TRIZ history

Nomination “TRIZ Tools”

Nomination “Research Projects”

Category: students

Nomination “Inventive Activity” 

Nomination “Imagining” 

Quiz on TRIZ history

Nomination “TRIZ Tools”

Nomination “Research projects”

Category “Teachers”

Nomination “For contribution into the development of TRIZ education”.

Nomination “Preparation of contest tasks”







Category 8-10 years

Nomination “Inventive activity”


1. Task.

Suggest a concept of an ideal calendar. What should be its structure? How can one use it?  What contradictions did you manage to solve thereby?




https://encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTCnvT4PX39p3UwoCZFEmGQ18UCNEiiV8B1BCI4YffVcEGwhP8M2. Task.

Home pets are loved by the entire family. However, to keep a dog or a cat, or even a small hamster at home creates a lot of additional trouble. Suggest simple devices, which make keeping pets at home easier.




Nomination “Imagining”

1. Task.

Tales may be different: funny and instructive, short and long, old and modern… Tales can have different beginnings, for examples:

“Very long ago, probably last Friday I remained at home quite alone…”

“Once, walking in the park, I found a beautiful multi-colored feather. How did it get there? It would be so nice to know that…”

Invent a tale, using the methodology of “Tales starting with Why?” or “Salad of Tales”.

2. Task.

Read part 1 of the story by G.Altov “10% of Adventures” (“and then it will bang…” http://www.altshuller.ru/stories/story2.asp ).

- Formulate a fantastic idea, on which this story is based;

- Identify the technique of imagining (fantastic thinking);

- What changed after the idea was put into practice?

- Formulate a problem, which is vital for you problem (school is far from home; there are many home tasks; in winter, when it is cold and wet, people often catch cold, etc.);

- What device could help in solving this problem?

- What will happen, if such a device is invented and implemented? Write a short story (illustrations will be welcome).


Quiz on TRIZ history

I. In what country was the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) created? 

1. USA

2. Japan

3. Germany



II. Name the approximate date of creation of TRIZ. 

1. 19th century

2. Turn of the 20th century

3. 1940-ies – 1950-ies

4. Turn of the 21st century


III. Quote the name of the founder of TRIZ TRIZ.



1. Thomas Edison

2. Leonardo da Vinci

3. Albert Einstein

4. Genrich Altshuller



IV. What is the title of the very first children’s book on TRIZ?



1. “Become an inventor”

2. “Be an inventor”

3. “Know and be able to do”

4. “And here came an inventor”



V. In what literary genre did the writer Genrich Altov work?



1. Detective story

2. Playwriting

3. Science fiction

4. Historical novels


VI. What is the title of a documentary film on TRIZ? 

1. “Everything concerning inventive activity”

2. “Algorithm of invention”

3. “How to learn to invent”

4. “Algorithm of talent”


VII. What pen-name did the author of TRIZ use? 

1. G.Altov

2. A. Genrikhov

3. “Old Wise Man”

4. Korney Chukovsky


VIII. What was the name of the first international TRIZ conference for the winners of the contest under MA TRIZ? 

1. “ICARiade”

2. “Olympiade”

3. “Spartaciade”

4. “Universiade”



Nomination “TRIZ Tools”

1. Task.

Analyze the following examples. What technique for resolving contradictions is used in these examples? Quote your own examples from engineering, science fiction, tales, painting, etc.

Example 1.







Example 2.








Example 3.

The architect from the USA Adam Kalkin created a unique lodging. The architect managed to locate a full-scale house inside another house. The “upper” building is created in industrial style and is an original “shell”, which outwardly reminds a cargo container with spread-apart doors and huge windows. One part of the house is the hall, while another one includes three living rooms in high-tech style. Somewhere in the middle there is an ordinary two-storey cottage. This building was erected in New Jersey, at the plot of land, the area of which is 1.2 hectares. The author named it “BunnyLane” (“Rabbit’s road”).






2. Task.

These three problems are built around the main character – fox. There is some more substantial similarity in them – in order to solve these problems, it is necessary to exactly formulate an ideal final result (IFR). Formulate IFR and solve the problems.

  1. Problem. Mad foxes.                                                                                                   Author of the problem: V.Timokhov.

Out of wild animals the fox is more often the carrier of madness. In order to prevent the promulgation of this illness, which is dangerous for the humans, for long time foxes were ruthlessly shot out in Europe. Finally the vaccine against madness was invented, however it is impossible to make the foxes come to the places, where they are vaccinated. What’s to be done?

  1. Problem. Fox cubs and Film Shooting.                                                                  Author of the problem: N. Rubina

The journalist V.Peskov, while shooting the film about the life of animals in Alaska astounded the American film –makers, who saw how five fox cubs rushed at the camera.  Foxes are very easy to frighten and it seemed to be impossible to shoot such an episode – the fox cubs did not let the people come closer. How did they manage to shoot close-ups of the fox cubs?

  1. Problem. Where is the fox?                                                                                       Author of the problem: N. Rubina

What do you think, what animals are most numerous in tundra? The hunters in tundra are interested in arctic foxes, red foxes and weasels. Tundra means very large territories covered with snow. The hunters may look for their trophies for several days, also under the conditions of severe frost and strong wind.  How can one quickly identify, where arctic foxes, red foxes and weasels moved?

Nomination “Research”

1. Task.



What is the way to see yourself from all sides? Place the mirrors one in front of another and look at the reflection.



How did Perseus manage to overcome Gorgon Medusa without looking at her at least once? He used the shield, which was polished like a mirror.


How can you notice the pedestrian in time in the streets of an old city, where the houses occlude the view?  The mirrors also help to provide for security in this case.

Suggest an unusual use of mirrors in the house, in a trade center, in the tube, in the street, in the park or anywhere else.

2. Task.

Question your friends, asking them to name a profession, which they consider to be “the most important: engineer, politician, doctor, inventor, actor, and businessman”?

Summarize the obtained data and generalize it. Explain the obtained result.

Category 11-14 years

Nomination “Inventive activity”

1. Task.

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4MS1HHIoCsYDfgBGcL6ONXschANS6M1CV2p9ZcQqYsXMSeg43Almost in every house one can find several remote control panels: for a TV set, for a photographic camera, for multi-cooker and for other electric equipment. And each model, for example, the model of a TV set, requires its remote control panel. Some companies tried to manufacture all-purpose remote control panels for different brands of TV sets, however, they appeared to be too complicated, expensive and could not take new TV set brands into account. One more problem of remote control panels consists in the fact that they are often lost and it is difficult to find them at once. Many users encounter a difficulty of dealing with a large number of buttons, which are often not used at all.

Suggest your own solutions, enabling to do away with these disadvantages as well as other disadvantages of remote control panels. What TRIZ tools did you use thereby?

2. Task.


Suggest a concept of an ideal calendar. What should be its structure? How can one use it?  What contradictions did you manage to solve thereby?


Nomination “Imagining”

1. Task.

The tale of A.and B.Strugatsky “Monday starts on Saturday” (see, for example, http://lib.ru/STRUGACKIE/ponedelx.txt), the attention of a young software engineer Alexander Privalov is attracted (among other wonders) by a “topsy-turvy book”. Every time, when somebody takes it in his (her) hands, appears to be new, with different content,  and often this content correlates with the mood of the main character or with the events, which take place around him. Your task is:

- to find the fragments of the tale, which quote the description of a “topsy-turvy book”; how many times is “topsy-turvy book” mentioned in the tale;

- using the “goldfish” method, formulate the main fantastic component of the “topsy-turvy book”;

- suggest your variants of implementing this “miracle”.

2. Task.

Read part 1 of the story by G.Altov “10% of adventures” (“And then it will bang…” http://www.altshuller.ru/stories/story2.asp).

- Formulate the fantastic idea, on which this story is based;

- Identify the imagining technique;

- What changed after the implementation of this idea?

Formulate a problem, which is vital for you problem (school is far from home; many hometasks; in winter, when it is cold and wet, people often catch cold, etc.);

- What device could help in solving this problem?

- What will happen, if such a device is invented and implemented? Write a short story (illustrations will be welcome).

- And now imagine that all this takes place on the Moon or on Mars. How is the situation going to change?

Write a short story about this (illustrations are welcome).

Quiz on TRIZ history

I. In what country was the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) created?  

1. USA

2. Japan

3. Germany

4. USSR 


II. Name the approximate date of creation of TRIZ. 

1. 19th century

2. Turn of the 20th century

3. 1940-ies – 1950-ies

4. Turn of the 21st century


III. Quote the name of the founder of TRIZ. 

1. Thomas Edison

2. Leonardo da Vinci

3. Albert Einstein

4. Genrich Altshuller


IV. What is the title of the very first children’s book on TRIZ? 

1. “Become an inventor”

2. “Be an inventor”

3. “Know and be able to do”

4. “And here came an inventor”


V. In what literary genre did the writer Genrich Altov work? 

1. Detective story

2. Playwriting

3. Science fiction

4. Historical novels


VI. What is the title of a documentary film on TRIZ? 

1. “Everything concerning inventive activity”                3. “How to learn to invent”

2. “Algorythm of invention”                                            4. “Algorithm of talent”


VII. What pen-name did the author of TRIZ use? 

1. G.Altov

2. A. Genrikhov

3. “Old Wise Man”

4. Korney Chukovsky


VIII. In what magazine was the first TRIZ article published? 

1. “Engineering and Science”

2. “Inventor and Rationalizer”

3. “Issues of Psychology”

4. “Pionerskaya Pravda”  


Nomination “TRIZ Tools”

1. Task.

https://encrypted-tbn3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS4MS1HHIoCsYDfgBGcL6ONXschANS6M1CV2p9ZcQqYsXMSeg43The main feature of an inventive problem is the presence of a contradiction. Irrespective of the field of activity, to which the problem relates, it is possible to formulate the contradiction of requirements: in case one requirement is adhered to, another one is not adhered to.

Formulation of RC – requirements contradiction:

  IF (describe the possible change), THEN (indicate the necessary positive requirement or action), HOWEVER (indicate non-desirable consequences).

For example, as applied to the problem of a remote control for electric devices, requirements contradiction could be formulated in the following way:

If one remote control is designed for several brands of TV sets (an all-purpose remote control), then (+) the user need not acquire several remote control panels, however, (-) such a remote control is difficult to use and cannot imply taking new brands of TV sets into account.

This system is characterized by one more requirements contradiction:

If the buttons for additional functions are located on the remote control (for example,  a switch-off timer, subtitles mode, etc.), then (+) the user could quickly perform many additional actions upon the TV set, however, (-) remote control will be made more complicated and becomes rather unwieldy.

These are examples of formulation of requirements contradiction for an engineering system. Quote examples of requirements contradictions in non-engineering fields (in biology, literature, in painting, in history, etc.).

2. Task.

Write, what material and non-material systems you know. How do they differ one from another?


Nomination “Research”

1. Task. Doctor Aibolit (Doolittle) needs a thermometer.

Mercury thermometer was invented very long ago. Inside a glass tube there is a plate with figures and lines and another thin tube is attached to it. The mercury goes up this tube, when heated.

As you see, the structure of the thermometer is simple. This is the advantage of it, but there is a disadvantage as well: it is difficult to distinguish, to which level the mercury raised in the thin tube. Besides, glass thermometer is rather brittle, it is easy to break it and the mercury, which is included with its structure, is a very dangerous substance. That is why thermometers appeared with another operation principle, which doesn’t have such disadvantages; however, they don’t yield such accuracy of measurement and are more expensive. Prepare a presentation dedicated to history of using temperature measuring devices since the 16th century up to our time. What thermometers, in your opinion, will be invented in the 21st century?

2. Task.

Prepare a list of the museums of your city, which are the most interesting for you. Which of them offer a possibility to trace the evolution of inventions of the man in the field of engineering, in clothes, in art, in literature, in transport and in other fields of human activity? Prepare a presentation dedicated to one of such museums, implying the illustrating of evolutionary processes. Give clarifications, which of TRIZ tools and Trends of Engineering systems Evolution (TESE) could be seen in these examples.

3. Task.

Which of the engineering inventions of G.S.Altshuller seems to be the most interesting and important to you? Describe it. Which of TRIZ tools are used for creating this invention? In what reference sources is it described? Is it used in our times? Offer an evolution of this invention taking into account modern potentiality and vital problems of modern technology.


Category 15-17 years

Nomination “Inventive Activity”

1. Problem concerning the place for charging device.










The first version of Healbe fitness tracker implies the existence of a separate charging device. (see picture). In order to charge the device the bracelet should be taken off the hand and charging device should be placed upon it.  The contacts of the charging device are located on the lower surface of the sensor, so that they should not be seen, when the device is in use on the hand. All this is not very convenient, since during the process of charging the contact with the hand of the user is lost and such data is not read as the heart rate, inflow of energy, etc. It would be desirable to charge the Healbe bracelet, for example, in the process of work on the computer through the USB port. However, in this case there will be no place on the bracelet itself, enabling to locate a micro USB connector.  If it is situated on the lower surface, there will be no access to it, when it is put on the hand. One cannot arrange this connection on the upper surface because of aesthetic considerations. To locate the micro USB at the sides of the bracelet is also problematic because of the detachable belt, which embraces the entire lateral surface of the bracelet body. If we make a whole in this belt, it will be much less strong and will soon be torn. Besides, USB connection is waterproof, while Healbe is a waterproof device. 

It happens rather often that they suggest using a non-detachable way of charging the device based on electromagnetic induction. However, such a device requires that it should be taken off the hand and besides, it occupies a lot of place inside the bracelet body and is unsuitable for solving the problem. The request is to suggest the idea of solving two problems.

1. What is the way to attain water-resistance in using micro USB connection for charging the device?

2. What is the way to locate micro USB connection in the body of the bracelet, so that the charging should be performed without taking the bracelet off the hand, without using the upper surface of the bracelet and without loosening the belt of the bracelet?

Your proposals should be substantiated. What TRIZ tools did you use?


2. Problem of transition to another zone time.

Healbe fitness tracker implies constant monitoring of parameters of the human health, which is reflected in the form of diagrams on a smartphone: heart rate, inflow and outflow of energy, evaluation of the stress level, etc. (see picture). Many users change their time zone during travels and flights and then a necessity appears to correct these diagrams in connection with the change in the zone time. If for example, the time is one hour ahead, emptiness appears on the diagram, the duration of which is one hour. If the time lags behind, the diagrams overlap. The biggest value of such a shift (forwards or backwards) could amount to 12 hours. It is necessary to take into account that the fitness tracker should constantly monitor the human health and offer a permanent diagram. It is utterly undesirable to loose information during travels and flights.

What is the way to reflect the diagrams of state of health of the human on a smartphone in case of time zone changing? Formulate your proposal and substantiate it. What TRIZ tools did you use thereby?




3. Designing a device for testing the pulse wave sensor.

In order to calculate the heart rate of the human it is necessary to automatically analyze the shape of the pulse wave. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop the algorithms of such an analysis, which enable to analyze fairly different shapes of pulse wave. A peculiarity of pulse waves is predetermined by the uniqueness of each human organism, besides, the pulse wave changes in connection with the variation of heart rate during the day and in the process of vital activity depending upon physical activity. The function of a pulse wave sensor within the Healbe bracelet is performed by the pressure sensor (the pulse wave exerts pressure upon the sensor, which is located on the wrist and the required signal is generated). To check the algorithms being developed one needs a test rig, which imitates the pulse wave on the human wrist. One could use an ordinary plastic bottle, which is filled with water. A bracelet is put on such a bottle and the strikes over the bottle imitate pulse waves. However, in this case it is very difficult to make the strikes over the bottle acquire similarity to pulse waves; it is still more difficult to make them calibrated.  Such solution does not yield a necessary result. Suggest an operation principle and the design of such a test rig for a Healbe bracelet.

4. Problem of concurrent measuring of pulse wave and ECG in the Healbe device.

One of the main components of the monitoring of state of human health is the heart activity and the measurement of pulse wave parameters. One is based on the optical couple, in which the light diode lights the subcutaneous capillaries and the rhythm of pulse wave is determined according to the satiation of capillaries with light. Lighting requires fairly large energy expenses. The second approach is associated with the fact that in passing of the pulse wave small pressure is exerted upon the surface of the skin (it is most convenient to place the fitness trackers on the human wrist, where they usually carry wrist watches). The pressure sensors require much less expenses of energy, therefore, this particular method of recording the pulse wave was selected for this version of Healbe fitness tracker.

In the course of development of Healbe bracelet a necessity appeared to measure the signal of ECG concurrently with the pulse wave. For this purpose an additional electrode is located on the surface of Healbe bracelet, which the user touches with the finger of another hand. Induced electric signal enables to record the electric activity of the heart function.

However, it is associated with new problems. The thing is that the finger itself is the source of mechanical oscillations (tremor, strikes of pulse wave)? And when it touches the body of the bracelet it distorts that pulse wave, which comes from the other hand. Because of that it is impossible to read two signals simultaneously: an electric one (ECG0 and a mechanical one (shape of pulse wave). An electrode for ECG could be located laterally, however, when it is touched with a finger, the entire body starts to tremble and the pulse wave is distorted. Neither does the location of the electrode on the bracelet yield any result. First of all, mechanical oscillations are nevertheless transferred to the pressure sensor and distort the shape of the pulse wave. Besides, it is rather difficult to transfer the electric signal from the dismountable belt to the body. Mechanical oscillations will not be transferred, if the electrode is embodied in the form of a flexible tape or a flexible wire, however, it is very bad from the aesthetic standpoint and the structure could break in the course of operation.

Suggest a method of concurrent reading of ECG and the pulse wave signal. What TRIZ tools did you use thereby?


Nomination “Imagining”

1. Task.

What science fiction literature did you read during the last six months? Which of the works did you like most of all? Describe the main fantastic idea of this work. What techniques of imagining were used in it? Suggest the development of this idea using other techniques of imagining?

2. Task.

The tale of A. and B.Strugatsky “Monday starts on Saturday” (see, for example, http://lib.ru/STRUGACKIE/ponedelx.txt), the attention of a young software engineer Alexander Privalov is attracted (among other wonders) by a “topsy-turvy book”. Every time, when somebody takes it in his (her) hands, appears to be new, with different content,  and often this content correlates with the mood of the main character or with the events, which take place around him.

Your task is:

- to find the fragments of the tale, which quote the description of a “topsy-turvy book”; how many times is “topsy-turvy book” mentioned in the tale;

- using the “goldfish” method, formulate the main fantastic component of the “topsy-turvy book”;

- suggest your variants of implementing this “miracle”.


Quiz on TRIZ history

I. In what country was the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) created?  

1. USA

2. Japan

3. Germany



II. Name the approximate date of creation of TRIZ. 

1. 19th century

2. Turn of the 20th century

3. 1940-ies – 1950-ies

4. Turn of the 21st century


III. Quote the name of the founder of TRIZ TRIZ. 

1. Thomas Edison

2. Leonardo da Vinci

3. Albert Einstein

4. Genrich Altshuller


IV. What is the title of the very first children’s book on TRIZ? 

1. «Become an inventor »

2. «Be an inventor»

3. “Know and be able to do”

4. “And here came an inventor” 


V. In what literary genre did the writer Genrich Altov work? 

1. Detective story

2. Playwriting

3. Science fiction

4. Historical novels


VI. What is the title of a documentary film on TRIZ? 

1. “Everything concerning inventive activity”                3. “How to learn to invent”

2. “Algorithm of invention”                                            4. “Algorithm of talent”


VII. What pen-name did the author of TRIZ use? 

1. G.Altov

2. A. Genrikhov

3. “Old Wise Man”

4. Korney Chukovsky


VIII. In what magazine was the first TRIZ article published? 

1. “Engineering and Science”                                          3. “Issues of Psychology”

2. “Inventor and Rationalizer”                                         4. “Pionerskaya Pravda” 


IX. How many techniques are there in the “album of techniques for resolving engineering contradictions”? 

1. 10

2. 100

3. 40

4. 400


X. What are the names of TRIZ training programs, proposed by G.S.Altshuller? 

1. “Wings for Icarus”

2. “Inspiration to order”

3. “Creativity as an exact science”

4. “Icarus and Dedalus”.


XI. ВWhat was the year of creation of the Fund of TRIZ materials in Chelyabinsk Regional Scientific Library (ChRSL)? 

1. 1987

2. 2000

3. 1956

4. 1980


XII. What is the name of the first computer program, directed at solving inventive problems and using TRIZ tools? 

1. “Inventive machine”

2. “Machine of Inventions”

3. “Machine of Discoveries”

4. “Inventor and Rationalizer”


XIII. What was the year of the publication of the first issue of “TRIZ Journal”? 

1. 2000

2. 1990

3. 1946

4. 1998


XIV. What is the name of the leading TRIZ company in Russia created in 1993? 

1. “IBM”

2. “Integral”

3. “Algorithm”

4. “Noo-i-Noo”


XV. What was the name of the first international TRIZ conference for the winners of the contest under МA TRIZ? 

1. “ICARiade”

2. “Olympiade”

3. “Spartaciade”

4. “Universiade”


XVI. What is the highest degree conferred to TRIZ specialist, according to the version of МA TRIZ? 

1. Doctor of TRIZ

2. Genius of TRIZ

3. TRIZ-man

4. TRIZ Master


XVII. In what city did G.S.Altshuller spend the last years of his life? 

1. Moscow

2. Petrozavodsk

3. Leningrad

4. New York



Nomination “TRIZ Tools”

1. Task.

Select this or that trend or the line of engineering systems evolution, described in TRIZ (for example, the line of transition mono-bi-poly-trimming). Quote examples from engineering illustrating the selected line of evolution. Select this or that system from the non-engineering sphere (biology, art, plots of tales and films, finance, information systems, etc.) and illustrate the manifestations of the selected line of evolution as applied to this system. Prepare a presentation.  


Nomination “Research Projects”

1. Task.

Prepare a list of the museums of your city, which are the most interesting for you. Which of them offer a possibility to trace the evolution of inventions of the man in the field of engineering, in clothes, in art, in literature, in transport and in other fields of human activity? Prepare a presentation dedicated to one of such museums, implying the illustrating of evolutionary processes. Give clarifications, which of TRIZ tools and Trends of Engineering systems Evolution (TESE) could be seen in these examples.

2. Task.

Which of the engineering inventions of G.S.Altshuller seems to be the most interesting and important to you? Describe it. Which of TRIZ tools are used for creating this invention? In what reference sources is it described? Is it used in our times? Offer an evolution of this invention taking into account modern potentiality and vital problems of modern technology.

3. Task.

Imagine a situation, which implies that you cross a small lake in the same boat with a multi-millionaire. You have 2 minutes for a conversation with him. During this time you have to convince the millionaire in the necessity to develop TRIZ in your country or in your city. Multi-millionaire has to understand what problems could be solved by TRIZ, become convinced in its efficiency as compared to other approaches and to find out what first steps it is necessary to make. Prepare your text, the volume of which should be 1 – 1.5 pages.

4. Task.

How do they distinguish between different levels of creative personalities in TRIZ? How many levels do they single out and how are they different one from another? Quote your own examples of creative personalities of the 20th century. To what level could they be referred? Single out one personality, who is a pattern to follow for you.  Why do you like this personality? What was the strongest invention set forth by this personality? Which brightest deed in his life could you single out?

5. Task.

In engineering systems evolution one can single out a tendency of transition from the systems of personal use to systems of collective use and then to systems with the properties of concurrent personal and collective use. For example, clocks were first intended for collective use, and then they were intended for personal use, while in the modern world there is a ramified time service, which combines both these qualities. Quote 5-10 more examples of systems, which developed in a similar way.  Prepare a presentation on this topic.

6. On enhancement of accuracy of recording the expenses of energy of the human organism by the Healbe device.

In the process of physical activity the human expends saved energy.  This energy is measured in kilocalories. Its expense depends upon the age, sex, level of physical preparation of the human, however mainly it depends upon the level of physical activity of the human at the given moment of time.  

Healbe fitness tracker is equipped with three main sensors:

- three-axial accelerometer, measuring acceleration according to three directions;

- impedance sensor (electric resistance of the human body at different frequencies);

- pulse wave sensor (pressure sensor).

Readings of accelerometer are usually used for control over expense of energy. Not all kinds of physical activity are equally reflected in the readings of accelerometer. For example, riding a bicycle is practically invisible in the diagrams of accelerometer data, since the hand is immovably located on the handle of the bicycle.  It is not possible to install additional bracelets, for example, on the leg, since it is inconvenient and leads to additional expenditures.

What additional sensors in the bracelet itself could be installed in order to enhance the accuracy of calculation of energy expense? What is the way to enhance the accuracy of energy expense in the Healbe bracelet without installing additional sensors?

Substantiate your proposals. What TRIZ tools did you use? Could you name patent documents, describing inventions with a similar solution?

Category: students

Nomination “Inventive Activity” 

1. Problem concerning the place for charging device.






The first version of Healbe fitness tracker implies the existence of a separate charging device. (see picture). In order to charge the device the bracelet should be taken off the hand and charging device should be placed upon it.  The contacts of the charging device are located on the lower surface of the sensor, so that they should not be seen, when the device is in use on the hand. All this is not very convenient, since during the process of charging the contact with the hand of the user is lost and such data is not read as the  heart rate, inflow of energy, etc. It would be desirable to charge the Healbe bracelet, for example, in the process of work on the computer through the USB port. However, in this case there will be no place on the bracelet itself, enabling to locate a micro USB connector.  If it is situated on the lower surface, there will be no access to it, when it is put on the hand. One cannot arrange this connection on the upper surface because of aesthetic considerations. To locate the micro USB at the sides of the bracelet is also problematic because of the detachable belt, which embraces the entire lateral surface of the bracelet body. If we make a whole in this belt, it will be much less strong and will soon be torn. Besides, USB connection is waterproof, while Healbe is a waterproof device. 

It happens rather often that they suggest using a non-detachable way of charging the device based on electromagnetic induction. However, such a device requires that it should be taken off the hand and besides, it occupies a lot of place inside the bracelet body and is unsuitable for solving the problem. The request is to suggest the idea of solving two problems.

1. What is the way to attain water-resistance in using micro USB connection for charging the device?

2. What is the way to locate micro USB connection in the body of the bracelet, so that th charging should be performed without taking the bracelet off the hand, without using the upper surface of the bracelet and without loosening the belt of the bracelet?

Your proposals should be substantiated. What TRIZ tools did you use?

 2. Problem of transition to another zone time.

Healbe fitness tracker implies constant monitoring of parameters of the human health, which is reflected in the form of diagrams on a smartphone: heart rate, inflow and outflow of energy, evaluation of the stress level, etc. (see picture). Many users change their time zone during travels and flights and then a necessity appears to correct these diagrams in connection with the change in the zone time. If for example, the time is one hour ahead, emptiness appears on the diagram, the duration of which is one hour. If the time lags behind, the diagrams overlap. The biggest value of such a shift (forwards or backwards) could amount to 12 hours. It is necessary to take into account that the fitness tracker should constantly monitor the human health and offer a permanent diagram. It is utterly undesirable to loose information during travels and flights.

What is the way to reflect the diagrams of state of health of the human on a smartphone in case of time zone changing? Formulate your proposal and substantiate it. What TRIZ tools did you use thereby?




3. Designing a device for testing the pulse wave sensor.

In order to calculate the heart rate of the human it is necessary to automatically analyze the shape of the pulse wave. To achieve this, it is necessary to develop the algorithms of such an analysis, which enable to analyze fairly different shapes of pulse wave. A peculiarity of pulse waves is predetermined by the uniqueness of each human organism, besides, the pulse wave changes in connection with the variation of heart rate during the day and in the process of vital activity depending upon physical activity. The function of a pulse wave sensor within the Healbe bracelet is performed by the pressure sensor (the pulse wave exerts pressure upon the sensor, which is located on the wrist and the required signal is generated). To check the algorithms being developed one needs a test rig, which imitates the pulse wave on the human wrist. One could use an ordinary plastic bottle, which is filled with water. A bracelet is put on such a bottle and the strikes over the bottle imitate pulse waves. However, in this case it is very difficult to make the strikes over the bottle acquire similarity to pulse waves; it is still more difficult to make them calibrated.  Such solution does not yield a necessary result. Suggest an operation principle and the design of such a test rig for a Healbe bracelet.

4. Problem of concurrent measuring of pulse wave and ECG in the Healbe device.

One of the main components of the monitoring of state of human health is the heart activity and the measurement of pulse wave parameters. One is based on the optical couple, in which the light diode lights the subcutaneous capillaries and the rhythm of pulse wave is determined according to the satiation of capillaries with light. Lighting requires fairly large energy expenses. The second approach is associated with the fact that in passing of the pulse wave small pressure is exerted upon the surface of the skin (it is most convenient to place the fitness trackers on the human wrist, where they usually carry wrist watches). The pressure sensors require much less expenses of energy, therefore, this particular method of recording the pulse wave was selected for this version of Healbe fitness tracker.

In the course of development of Healbe bracelet a necessity appeared to measure the signal of ECG concurrently with the pulse wave. For this purpose an additional electrode is located on the surface of Healbe bracelet, which the user touches with the finger of another hand. Induced electric signal enables to record the electric activity of the heart function.

However, it is associated with new problems. The thing is that the finger itself is the source of mechanical oscillations (tremor, strikes of pulse wave)? And when it touches the body of the bracelet it distorts that pulse wave, which comes from the other hand. Because of that it is impossible to read two signals simultaneously: an electric one (ECG and a mechanical one (shape of pulse wave). An electrode for ECG could be located laterally, however, when it is touched with a finger, the entire body starts to tremble and the pulse wave is distorted. Neither does the location of the electrode on the bracelet yield any result. First of all, mechanical oscillations are nevertheless transferred to the pressure sensor and distort the shape of the pulse wave. Besides, it is rather difficult to transfer the electric signal from the dismountable belt to the body. Mechanical oscillations will not be transferred, if the electrode is embodied in the form of a flexible tape or a flexible wire, however, it is very bad from the aesthetic standpoint and the structure could break in the course of operation.

Suggest a method of concurrent reading of ECG and the pulse wave signal. What TRIZ tools did you use thereby?


Nomination “Imagining” 

1. Task.

What science fiction literature did you read during the last six months? Which of the works did you like most of all? Describe the main fantastic idea of this work. What techniques of imagining were used in it? Suggest the development of this idea using other techniques of imagining?

2. Task.

In Ancient world humans were medically treated through charming, rituals and talismans. There are data on rather complicated medical actions in Ancient World, however, they are not of mass character. In the Middle Ages tinctures appeared as well as teas made of curative plants and leeches (hirudotherapy). Still later the barbers learned to perform simple surgical operations.  A revolution in medicine was the invention of antibiotics and anesthesia. As of today, the health protection system is a complicated interaction of diagnostic, consultation, hospital-related and pharmaceutical institutions. What, in your opinion, will be the structure of health protection system in the 20th century?


Quiz on TRIZ history

I. In what country was the Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ) created?  

1. USA

2. Japan

3. Germany



II. Name the approximate date of creation of TRIZ. 

1. 19th century

2. Turn of the 20th century

3. 1940-ies – 1950-ies

4. Turn of the 21st century


III. Quote the name of the founder of TRIZ TRIZ. 

1. Thomas Edison

2. Leonardo da Vinci

3. Albert Einstein

4. Genrich Altshuller


IV. What is the title of the very first children’s book on TRIZ? 

1. “Become an inventor”

2. “Be an inventor”

3. “Know and be able to do”

4. “And here came an inventor”


V. In what literary genre did the writer Genrich Altov work? 

1. Detective story

2. Playwriting

3. Science fiction

4. Historical novels 


VI. What is the title of a documentary film on TRIZ? 

1. “Everything concerning inventive activity”                3. “How to learn to invent”

2. “Algorythm of invention”                                            4. “Algorithm of talent”


VII. What pen-name did the author of TRIZ use? 

1. G.Altov

2. A. Genrikhov

3. “Old Wise Man”

4. Korney Chukovsky


VIII. In what magazine was the first TRIZ article published? 

VIII. In what magazine was the first TRIZ article published?



1. “Engineering and Science”                                          3. “Issues of Psychology”

2. “Inventor and Rationalizer”                                         4. “Pionerskaya Pravda” 







IX. How many techniques are there in the “album of techniques for resolving engineering contradictions”?



1. 10

2. 100

3. 40

4. 400


X. What are the names of TRIZ training programs, proposed by G.S.Altshuller? 

1. “Wings for Icarus”

2. “Inspiration to order”

3. “Creativity as an exact science”

4. “Icarus and Dedalus”.


XI. ВWhat was the year of creation of the Fund of TRIZ materials in Chelyabinsk Regional Scientific Library (ChRSL)? 

1. 1987

2. 2000

3. 1956

4. 1980


XII. What is the name of the first computer program, directed at solving inventive problems and using TRIZ tools? 

1. “Inventive machine”

2. “Machine of Inventions”

3. “Machine of Discoveries”

4. “Inventor and Rationalizer”


XIII. What was the year of the publication of the first issue of “TRIZ Journal”? 

1. 2000

2. 1990

3. 1946

4. 1998


XIV. What is the name of the leading TRIZ company in Russia created in 1993? 

1. “IBM”

2. “Integral”

3. “Algorithm”

4. “Noo-i-Noo”


XV. What was the name of the first international TRIZ conference for the winners of the contest under МA TRIZ? 

1. “ICARiade”

2. “Olympiade”

3. “Spartaciade”

4. “Universiade”


XVI. What is the highest degree conferred to TRIz specialist, according to the version of МA TRIZ? 

1. Doctor of TRIZ

2. Genius of TRIZ

3. TRIZ-man

4. TRIZ Master


XVII. In what city did G.S.Altshuller spend the last years of his life? 

1. Moscow

2. Petrozavodsk

3. Leningrad

4. New York


Nomination “TRIZ Tools”

1. Task.

Select this or that trend or the line of engineering systems evolution, described in TRIZ (for example, the line of transition mono-bi-poly-trimming). Quote examples from engineering illustrating the selected line of evolution. Select this or that system from the non-engineering sphere (biology, art, plots of tales and films, finance, information systems, etc.) and illustrate the manifestations of the selected line of evolution as applied to this system. Prepare a presentation. 


Nomination “Research projects”

1. Task.

Prepare a list of the museums of your city, which are the most interesting for you. Which of them offer a possibility to trace the evolution of inventions of the man in the field of engineering, in clothes, in art, in literature, in transport and in other fields of human activity? Prepare a presentation dedicated to one of such museums, implying the illustrating of evolutionary processes. Give clarifications, which of TRIZ tools and trends of Engineering Systems Evolution (TESE) could be seen in these examples.

2. Task.

Which of the engineering inventions of G.S.Altshuller seems to be the most interesting and important to you? Describe it. Which of TRIZ tools are used for creating this invention? In what reference sources is it described? Is it used in our times? Offer an evolution of this invention taking into account modern potentiality and vital problems of modern technology.

3. Task.

Imagine a situation, which implies that you cross a small lake in the same boat with a multi-millionaire. You have 2 minutes for a conversation with him. During this time you have to convince the millionaire in the necessity to develop TRIZ in your country or in your city. Multi-millionaire has to understand what problems could be solved by TRIZ, become convinced in its efficiency as compared to other approaches and to find out what first steps it is necessary to make. Prepare your text, the volume of which should be 1 – 1.5 pages.

4. Task.

How do they distinguish between different levels of creative personalities in TRIZ? How many levels do they single out and how are they different one from another? Quote your own examples of creative personalities of the 20th century. To what level could they be referred? Single out one personality, who is a pattern to follow for you.  Why do you like this personality? What was the strongest invention set forth by this personality? Which brightest deed in his life could you single out?

5. Task.

In engineering systems evolution one can single out a tendency of transition from the systems of personal use to systems of collective use and then to systems with the properties of concurrent personal and collective use. For example, clocks were first intended for collective use, and then they were intended for personal use, while in the modern world there is a ramified time service, which combines both these qualities. Quote 5-10 more examples of systems, which developed in a similar way. Prepare a presentation on this topic.

6. Task. On enhancement of accuracy of recording the expenses of energy of the human organism by the Healbe device.

In the process of physical activity the human expends saved energy.  This energy is measured in kilocalories. Its expense depends upon the age, sex, level of physical preparation of the human, however mainly it depends upon the level of physical activity of the human at the given moment of time.  

Healbe fitness tracker is equipped with three main sensors:

- three-axial accelerometer, measuring acceleration according to three directions;

- impedance sensor (electric resistance of the human body at different frequencies);

- pulse wave sensor (pressure sensor).

Readings of accelerometer are usually used for control over expense of energy. Not all kinds of physical activity are equally reflected in the readings of accelerometer. For example, riding a bicycle is practically invisible in the diagrams of accelerometer data, since the hand is immovably located on the handle of the bicycle.  It is not possible to install additional bracelets, for example, on the leg, since it is inconvenient and leads to additional expenditures.

What additional sensors in the bracelet itself could be installed in order to enhance the accuracy of calculation of energy expense? What is the way to enhance the accuracy of energy expense in the Healbe bracelet without installing additional sensors?

Substantiate your proposals. What TRIZ tools did you use? Could you name patent documents, describing inventions with a similar solution?

Category “Teachers”

Nomination “For contribution into the development of TRIZ education”.

Dear colleagues!

In many countries significant work is conducted in teaching TRIZ to schoolchildren, students, teachers, engineers, businessmen and many other people, who wish to learn TRIZ and to use it. Often TRIZ teaching is conducted by enthusiasts, who give their strength and knowledge to attaining their goal: dissemination of TRIZ through teaching it to the specialists. It is very important to have such an experience and to exchange it. No less important is to evaluate the contribution of such people to the development of TRIZ education in different countries and regions. Within this nomination the most successful activity and the activity of the highest quality in the field of TRIZ education will be distinguished.

Physical entities and teams, engaged in TRIZ teaching for more than 5 years, could take part in the contest under this nomination. The application is filed either in Russian or in English.  The application should include the following information:

- Name, surname and patronymic of the teacher (or a team of teachers), name of the organization with the indication of particular information;

- Short information on the activity in the field of TRIZ education (since what year the education is conducted, according to what programs and methodological materials, age categories of trainees, region or country, in which teaching is conducted, form of teaching, how many people underwent the training, achievements and examples of success, any other information, disclosing the peculiarities of the conducted work);

- program and methodological materials, which are used in teaching;

- presentation and photographic materials.

This nomination will be evaluated mainly with regard to the quality of TRIZ training and the contribution to preparation of highly qualified TRIZ teachers.

Application for participation in the contest should be filed prior to February 1, 2015.The complete set of materials should be presented in electronic form prior to April 15,  2015. The application could be submitted both the nominees of the contest and the specialists, who are well acquainted with their activities.


Nomination “Preparation of contest tasks”

Tasks are being considered for the following contests of TRIZ Summit. In the text of the task it is necessary to indicate the nomination (new nominations could be proposed), age category, possible variants of fulfilling the task and criteria for evaluation of results. The best tasks will be included with the next contests of TRIZ Summit.