Источник: https://triz-summit.ru/conference/tds-2008/let/204043/

Information letter # 1

Re: preparing "TRIZ Developers Summit 2008" and defense of TRIZ Master theses.


December, 11, 2007.


Dear colleagues!

1. We are now preparing our next TRIZ Summit – "TRIZ Developers Summit 2008" (TDS 08), which will take place in Saint-Petersburg, Russia since July 24 till July 26, 2008. Defense of TRIZ Master certification theses is planned for July 27, 2008.

2. In compliance with the suggestions of TRIZ Summit 2007 participants (see http://www.triz-summit.ru/redirect.php?id=203696), three major changes into the format of TRIZ Developers Summit are introduced:

- the closed part of TRIZ Summit will be organized for the authors of presented works only, while the open part will be accessible to all those who are interested to know about new developments and results of discussions on fulfilled works;

- TRIZ Summit will operate within the scope of several topical workshops;

- based on selected topics we are planning to prepare overview reports and invite opponents on presented developments.

The closed part of TDS 08 will take place on July 24-25, 2008. The open conference of TDS 08happen on July 26, 2008. We will additionally inform you about the address and agenda of the conference as well as conditions of participation.

3. The main topic of TRIZ Developers Summit 2008 will be "Development of TRIZ problem-solving tools".

This topic will be split into four groups (workshops). Each group of problem-solving tools is distinguished by the type of using a certain model of inventive problem:

1.   Model of the problem is presented in the form of a contradiction (ARIZ, Principles for resolving of physical contradictions, Altshuller’s Matrix, contradiction-based analogs (Clone Problems), mobilization and application of resources, etc.). Coordinator of the workshop - A.Kudryavtsev.

2.  Su-Field model (Su-Field analysis, Standard Solutions, etc.). Coordinators of the workshop - V.Petrov, M.Rubin.

3.   Function model  (Function-Oriented Search, Trimming, Feature Transfer, etc.). Coordinator of the workshop - S.Litvin.

4.   Parametrical model  (application of Trends of Engineering systems evolution, particular mechanisms of development, etc. to problem solving).   Coordinators of the workshop are V.M.Petrov and M.S.Rubin.

We will appreciate if you inform us in advance which of the above-listed workshops the problem-solving tool(s) you developed are related to.

4. Preparation and conducting of TDS 08 will consist of several stages:

- before 29.02.2008 – send to the address of TRIZ Summit organizers an application for participation in TRIZ Summit 2008 containing a description of topics of proposed research work: title and short abstract (half a page);

- before 30.04.2008 – send to the address of TRIZ Summit organizers preliminary texts of articles on claimed topics;

- before 15.05.2008 – exchange of opinions on received works;

- before 30.05.2008 – formulate main ideas of overview reports, appointing the authors and opponents of these reports;

- before 30.06.2008 – send the final texts of articles for TRIZ Summit 2008;

- July 24-25, 2008 года – closed session of participants of TRIZ Summit 2008;

- July 26, 2008 – open conference of TRIZ Summit 2008;

- July-September, 2008 – publication of materials of TRIZ Summit 2008.

5.  All TRIZ researchers interested in the development of proposed topics, could take part in the work of TRIZ Summit 2008. Furnished abstracts will undergo preliminary selection.

6. МА TRIZ Presidium asked the organizers of TRIZ-Summit for assistance in conducting the session of МА TRIZ Dissertation Council and defense of works of applicants for TRIZ Master diplomas. Defense of the theses will take place on July 27, 2008 in Saint-Petersburg, Russia. The Information Letter on this issue will be sent separately.


Kind regards,

Organizers of "TRIZ Developers Summit"

A.Kudryavtsev metodolog1@yandex.ru

S.Litvin – simon.litvin@gen3.com  

V.Petrov - vladpetr@netvision.net.il 

M.Rubin – mik-rubin@yandex.ru 

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