Источник: https://triz-summit.ru/certif/master/matriz/13/205832/

Dear Dr. Simon Litvin,

With this letter, I apply for certification for TRIZ Master for outstanding achievements
in the field of practical application of TRIZ as defined by article 25 in Appendix 3 at TRIZ Certifications of TRIZ Level 5 (TRIZ Master) Certification, Updated version as of February 2, 2012.

Sincerely Yours

Jun-Young Lee
Bansong-Dong 93-1
Hwasung City, Korea




1. Curriculum Vitae
2. List of TRIZ-related project activities
3. List of TRIZ-related training activities and seminars
4. List of TRIZ-related patents
5. Examples of most effective solutions
6. Methodological aspects of TRIZ application

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