Источник: https://triz-summit.ru/triz/history/300029/matriz-2003/300332/

Сокол А.Б. Программа «Мыслительный подход в обучении языкам».

Сокол Александр Борисович (Рига, Латвия)

Sokol Alexander (Riga, Latvia)


Программа «Мыслительный подход в обучении языкам».

The Thinking Approach to English Language Teaching

Introductory Seminar for Teachers of English in Petrozavodsk, Russia.


Certain changes in the program may take place taking into consideration requirements of the specific audience.



Number of hours

  1. Why is it necessary to speak of a new approach to English Language Teaching (ELT)? Key contradictions of education and language teaching. Analysis of the currently used approaches in ELT through the prism of resolution of the key contradictions. The Ideal Approach to language teaching. Requirements to the new approach.




  1. The Thinking Approach (TA) to language teaching as a possible resolution of the key contradictions of language teaching and education. Principles underlying the TA. Structure of the TA. The TA and other approaches. TRIZ by Genrich Altshuller as the underlying methodology of the thinking part of the approach. The modern teacher’s mindset.




  1. The Text Technology (TT) as a module of the TA. Traditional mechanisms of text work in the ELT classroom. Texts in the thinking classroom. Types of training within the TT.



  1. Criteria for the TA text selection. Practical exercises on text selection. Approaches to task preparation. Practical exercises on task preparation.



  1. The Film Technology (FT) as a module of the TA. Types of training within the FT. Criteria for the TA film selection. Practical exercises on film selection. Approaches to task preparation. Practical exercises on task preparation.



  1. The Creative Grammar Technology (CGT) as a module of the TA. The role of grammar in the language classroom. Grammar-as-choice vs. grammar-as-fact (according to Michael Lewis). Types of training under the CGT.  Approaches to task preparation. Practical exercises on task preparation.




  1. The Speaking Technology (ST) – general overview.


  1. The Self-Study Technology (SST)  - general overview.  


  1. Games in the thinking classroom.  


  1. Syllabus design. Differences between traditional syllabi and the TA. Non-linear technology of teaching. The thinking skills. 


  1. Evaluation procedures in the TA.


  1. Various levels of integrating TA into the current syllabus. Practical advice to teachers.


  1. The TA Project. Possible ways of participation.





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